Sharper Arguments, Stronger Cases
LexEdge leverages your discovery to analyze over 9 million cases and offer winning arguments that have demonstrated success.
Trusted by industry leaders
complete toolkit
Unmatched Efficiency, Unprecedented Success
Juggling between case details, precedents, and argument development can be overwhelming. Our meticulously crafted AI features empower your practice, providing the tools you need to achieve unparalleled success in every case.
Discover Relevant Cases
Effortlessly find relevant case law and precedent tailored to your case, providing a comprehensive foundation for your case strategy.
Craft Winning Arguments
Extract and develop winning arguments from relevant cases with demonstrated success, elevating the strength of your legal positions.
Identify Counterarguments
Receive a comprehensive analysis of your own work, allowing you to anticipate potential attacks and proactively address weaknesses in your case.
Develop Case Strategy
Stay ahead of the game by identifying potential arguments from opposing counsel. Develop a robust case strategy with insights from our extensive database of legal precedents.
Engineered by Legal Minds
LexEdge is a harmonious blend of legal wisdom and tech innovation, curated by seasoned attorneys, AI experts, and industry leaders.
Combined 110+ Years of Experience
Proven Track Record of Success
Trusted by Top Law Firms in the US
“I’m absolutely blown away by the new Fraction template. You have to try it!”
Jason Walter
“It’s incredible. I love how easy it is!”
Jason Walter
“Truly a gamechanger. This has made me an advocate for AI in legal tech.”
McKinsey & Co